By Barbara Nicholson-Brown
Email: [email protected]


Sobriety is WE not Me

If we are given just one more chance to be able to crawl into a 12 step meeting, treatment facility, just admit out loud we need help; it can be the beginning of a spectacular journey. Sobriety is far more anything I ever imagined. If all we can do is not use or drink for a span of 24 hours — we win another day. On June 17, I’ll be 32 years clean and sober, and that is a miracle.

It wasn’t easy for me to give up my ‘best friend’ alcohol; it was the biggest break up of all time for me. My friends and family did not want me dead; my best friend alcohol did… and it still does. This disease does not go away, it is never cured. There is no quick fix or magic cure, it takes work, commitment and dedication.

While everyone has their own road to take in recovery, mine continues to be 12 step meetings, meditation, prayer, and working with others. I need to be mindful of being grateful in the morning, at night, at noon at 3 in the afternoon. It doesn’t matter what time or what day it is, when my thinking goes off the rails I have to stop….breathe, and most importantly ask for help.

Stay the course, don’t leave the journey, we need each other. My late husband Bill always told me, “Sobriety is a we deal, not a me deal.”

Let’s continue to inspire others on the road to recovery—together.