Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away — and we are openly grateful and thankful as we celebrate our families, friends, the food we eat, and blessings in our lives. Which got me to thinking….. how grateful am I the other 364 days of the year?

It depends on where my focus and attention is. Admittedly, sometimes I’m not as grateful as I need to be, and when I’m not grateful I’m not very gracious. Little things can send my mind spinning sometimes, and when I make the choice to tag along with ‘my’ thinking I can easily dig a hole of fear and pity and jump right in. Thankfully, through the years of practicing a fairly easy and powerful program of living, I’m always given a hand up and out of there. But no one reads my thoughts, so I have to ask for help.

Whether or not I see it, life is perfect as it is…which means I accept what is, and that’s not always easy. Just being still and quiet is all that’s needed to center my thinking and get out of myself.

Everything I have or am today is because I opened my eyes and heart to a life in recovery. I’m thankful, blessed and honored to walk this path with you — very grateful, and never alone. Happy Thanksgiving.

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