Publisher’s Note
Sobriety: A Roadmap for Life

By Barbara Nicholson Brown


No road is smooth, not the ones most addicts and alcoholics travel. Life will always be full of twists and turns — and when addiction takes the wheel, the struggles are more difficult, dangerous, and sometimes deadly.


In active addiction it was so easy to blame the outside world for any problem I had. Besides being extremely hungover, I was resentful, angry, lonely, sad and broke in more ways than financially. Addiction hijacked my mind and many of my decisions cost me to lose jobs, relationships, family connections, friendships, and in the mix I lost myself.


Through the grace of God, a 12 step program I believe in, and being among people who are on the same path — sobriety has provided me with a roadmap for life. Grateful. Blessed. Humbled.


Happy Valentines month, may our hearts stay open, always.