With Thanksgiving a few weeks away — I was thinking how the word gratitude is probably said more in November than any other time of the year. We’re grateful and thankful for our families, friends, our health, and if in recovery… of course our sobriety.

How grateful am I the other 364 days of the year? Do I focus on what I have, or have not? Sometimes when the ‘have nots’ try to hijack my thinking, if I don’t jump into gratitude a negative domino effect will quickly spiral into the coulda’s, and shoulda’s. If I choose to tag along with that kind of thinking it will try to drag me down, and honestly I don’t like it there.

Through years of practicing a fairly easy and powerful program of living, how can I not be grateful? Whether or not I agree, life is perfect…which means I accept what is, and there are days that isn’t easy to do. I’ve learned I have a choice on where to place my focus — it takes less energy and feels better to be grateful — rather than miserable.

Everything I have or am today is because I opened my eyes and heart to a life in recovery. I’m thankful, blessed and honored to walk this path with you. Wishing you many blessings this Thanksgiving season.

Welcome to our newest recovery partner, Hushabye Nursery. Learn more about the services they provide at hushabyenursery.org