Publisher’s Note By Barbara Nicholson Brown While November is gratitude month, Thanksgiving and the official start of holiday time, I wondered — “is this a good time to talk...
Publisher’s Note
By Barbara Nicholson Brown
While November is gratitude month, Thanksgiving and the official start of holiday time, I wondered — “is this a good time to talk about human trafficking?” The answer had to be yes, because it’s one step Together AZ can make toward bringing awareness to this horrible crime against human beings.
I met with Nate Boutler of the Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network to learn more about the educational services and trainings they provide, and to gain a better of understanding of human trafficking.
It is vitally important we hear from the experts who are working on the front lines to combat human trafficking and support the victims. Thank you Nate for sharing your insight, it is an eye opener.
Together AZ will continue to bring updates and keep the conversation going.
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