Most of us have heard we can’t be in fear and faith at the same time. 
Being a fear driven person in my using days, I wonder if I knew anything but that crippling feeling it gave me.
One of my biggest fears was when people who really loved and cared about my well being — confronted me. Fear of being found out and less than also added to the mix. I was unable to face the truth and was full of shame and guilt about my addictions and lifestyle. Being in fear paralysed me, so the only way I knew to temporarily be rid of it, was to numb out. It was a vicious cycle and it almost killed me.
When I got into recovery I was told if I am in fear then I cannot be in faith. After awhile I realized I had a choice. I could let it consume me or do something about it. I could ask for help.
Now the magic happens when I breathe, take a minute and remember my Higher Power who has had my back all the days of my life — is right here. 


Through the years on this journey, the fears have lessened and I hope my faith never stops growing. 
It is a New Year and this is a New Day and I’m very very blessed.