Publisher’s Note by Barbara Nicholson Brown Recovery is about Caring Besides being a deadly disease of the mind, body and spirit — addiction can be a self-centered monster, at...
Publisher’s Note by Barbara Nicholson Brown
Recovery is about Caring
Besides being a deadly disease of the mind, body and spirit — addiction can be a self-centered monster, at least it was for me.
My goals were limited to figuring how I’d get my hands on the next drink or bottle and oftentimes drugs. “Where can I party? Who’s buying the rounds tonight? Can’t wait till work is over.” I did not care about much — except how I was going to feed to my addiction.
My façade was as transparent as glass and I fooled no one. While I acted as though I cared about something or someone other than myself, I didn’t. Caring was used as a manipulation tool. I did not care about myself, how could I be capable of caring for another?
Through years of continuous sobriety and learning an entire new way to live, I honestly do care about others — without each other this would be a very lonely life and road to travel.
I’ve learned how to care in sobriety. I’ve learned how to listen and not make everything about me. Sometimes I may give too much or too often, and other times not enough. But each day my intention is to be of service in some capacity, outside of my bubble.
Caring in recovery. Caring is connection. When struggles or hurdles seem overwhelming, I know who I can reach out to. I know who to trust.
As we welcome Mental Health Awareness month, let someone in your life know you care, because during these uncertain times, we all need a boost.