Mental health glossary to explain what you’re feeling

4 years ago

The vocabulary of mental health has seeped into our everyday lives. While some may use these terms to speak about…

Marijuana: Protecting Children, Teens and Young Adults

4 years ago

The teen and early adult years are when children are most vulnerable to marijuana’s harmful effects. It can affect how…

Depression and thoughts of Suicide do not discriminate

4 years ago

When Meghan Markle revealed she has struggled with depression and thoughts of suicide, not everyone had words of empathy for…

MAY — Mental Health Awareness Month

4 years ago

This past year presented so many different challenges and obstacles that tested our strength and resiliency. The global pandemic forced…

Let’s get connected

4 years ago

Do you remember the last moment you felt completely connected to yourself, what you believe in, your values and ethics?…

6 ways to practice self-compassion

4 years ago

If a close friend or sibling has a bad day, we are all quick to send them a mood-boosting text…

Intervening Early Protecting Your Children

4 years ago

Substance use disorders get worse over time. The earlier treatment starts the better the chances for long-term recovery. Many families…

Together AZ Celebrates 30 Years

4 years ago

Back in 1991, my late husband Bill was two years sober and beginning his life over at the age of…

Reflections and Experiences on Committed Relationships

4 years ago

By Ralph H. Earle, PhD, LMFT, ABPP, CSAT  and  Dr. Marcus R. Earle, PhD, LMFT, CSAT A wise man once…

Ranking Arizona Votes Aurora Behavioral Health #1 Rehabilitation Facility in 2021

4 years ago

Ranking Arizona announced Aurora Behavioral Health has been voted the top Behavioral Rehabilitation Facility in Arizona for the fourth consecutive…

What’s Missing?

4 years ago

By Dina Evan, PhD   Over the past few years we have become so directed to everything out side of…

Addressing Alcohol and Underage Drinking

4 years ago

Productive communication with your teen or young adult doesn’t always have to feel like you’re giving them the third degree.…

Gravity and Levity

4 years ago

“Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly.” —G.K. Chesteron By Cary Bayer An apple fell from a…