
Easy Ways to Decompress

Taking stress levels down a notch is easier said than done when you’re overwhelmed. While stress may seem like a fact of adult life, it’s not something that we need to just accept or ignore.

Sky-high stress levels can harm our mental and physical health over the long term, leading to high blood pressure, lack of sleep, and heightened anxiety. It can interfere with our productivity and relationships. While it’s not realistic to eliminate all sources of stress, you can learn to find a balance between taking stressors off your plate and accomplishing what needs to get done.


Short-term ways to reduce stress


Perform deep breathing exercises

Deep breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, is a common and effective stress relief technique.This type of breathing requires you to use your diaphragm to take deep breaths. It allows your lungs to function fully, which doesn’t occur when you simply breathe normally. Your belly, rather than chest, will expand to engage your diaphragm.



There are many types of mediation, but the simplest form involves sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breath — gently pushing away intrusive thoughts if they arise. If you’re a beginner, know that distractions abound, but meditating gets easier every time you practice.

Meditation apps like Calm and Headspace can help you get started and make meditation a habit.


Long-term ways to reduce stress


Move your body

There’s no getting around the fact that getting regular exercise is important for overall health and well-beingTrusted Source. It can promote a positive outlook and help to reduce symptoms of anxiety. The Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) recommends 150 minutes of physical activity a week for adults, which may seem like a lot, but when divided by 5 or 7 days, it breaks down to only 30 or 20 minutes per day, respectively.

Consider making a morning walk around your neighborhood a daily habit.


Have a Pet? Bond!

Studiesshow that spending even a short time with a pet can significantly decrease anxiety levels by decreasing cortisol levels. They also help people get outside — perhaps on that morning walk — and feel happier overall. If you don’t have a pet, you might consider volunteering at an animal shelter once a week or walking a neighbor’s dog to get in your cortisol-lowering cuddle time.


Set boundaries and stick to them

One of the most common culprits of high stress is over-committing. One way to start prioritizing your mental health is to set boundaries. You might make it a point to leave work at work and sign off completely for the night so that you can be present when it’s time to switch your focus to personal time.

Try not to be afraid to say no to helping out friends and family if it interferes with your plans or you don’t have the capacity for it.


Get enough sleep

It’s not a coincidence that a not-so-great day turns into a terrible day if you haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep. Sleep deprivation is associated with an increased risk of depression and stress. The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting 7-9 hours of sleep at night. Go to bed at the same time every night, avoid scrolling on your phone in bed— leave devices in another room.



It’s natural to experience high-stress levels at various points in adolescent and adult life. But that doesn’t mean you have to just accept the overwhelming feelings of tension or anxiety it may bring. By taking control of your mental health and prioritizing your overall well-being, you can find a renewed sense of inner peace and balance. If you’re still finding it difficult to manage stress levels, consider finding a good therapist to support you. (Source: Psych Central)


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