
Never Too Old, Never Too late

I’m grateful to share my thoughts and wisdom as it relates to continual growth in my walk/run in recovery. It’s my hope you will be empowered as you engage in the article.  The clock on the wall says it’s time to grow. The only constant in life is the clock continually moving forward. We have a great opportunity to run with the gifts and talents we have, regardless of what they are. Believe me they are different for everyone. The constant is we all have an opportunity to bring them to LIFE.  Relating this to the walk-in sobriety, it’s important to remember you are worthy to have the life you want, the life you dream of, not to mention the life those who love you hope you acquire. Whatever your dreams and ambitions they are in front of you, as is the clock, again moving forward! YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD, and IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.”

How unfortunate in our society that many people (sober or mired) have lost the fire inside and are choosing to throw in the towel of life. This should not be! Life is precious! I am here to encourage you, just like others have encouraged me, to grab life with all the passion that you can. Do not let your past stymie your passion for a healthy happy future. This is the essence of hope. The Big Book of Life in Psalm 90:12 encourages us to ask our God to teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. It’s vitally important we develop a value and appreciation for our time, yes the time we have left. I like to say “Count the days, and make the days count!” I see many people in their senior years, (those of acquired wisdom) finding new loves in their lives. Be it physical by competing in some activity or sport. Be it financial by (becoming an entrepreneur or financially responsible). Be it relational by rekindling relations with family friends and foe. Be it Spiritual by finding the peace and serenity of that power greater than oneself. “YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD, and IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.”

Those who love you and those you love are impacted and empowered by you and your energy. This is not to put the entire situation on your back. However, it’s important to walk in your own shoes, they fit you best.  Don’t allow the negative concept of comparison to others loom in your spirit.

Comparison is a negative entity that says you are not enough, that you are less than and can never match up. It’s easy to constantly chase something that’s not you, so you can feel like you fit in. You don’t have to walk in someone else shoes to understand their victory or plight. Their shoes never fit, why wear them? It’s easier and more productive to love those around you. More importantly, love yourself enough to walk tall, talk truth and win in your own shoes on your own feet, in your OWN way. “YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD, and IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.”

In my quest to find a workable solution, what comes to mind is to RUN!  Make a conscious, intentional effort to put myself among people, places and things that “Serve Me Well.” The key phrase is Serve Me Well.

Everything serves us, some things better than others. Nonetheless it must serve you WELL.  To run is not a negative in a sober life. In sobriety we no longer run to survive, we run to thrive. Keep an open mind to the fact that you can RUN TO your destiny. Run to the things that serve you well. Use your ability to pray as an opportunity to take a personal inventory. Make a decision to run to everything that can move your life forward. Ask yourself, “Does this person, place or thing serve me well?”  “Can this person, place or thing help me be a better me?” If so I must run to them. “YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD, and IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.”

Keep an open mind you it’s ok to RUN from what does not serve you well.  Promise yourself you will run rapidly away from anything holding you back. Distance yourself from people, places and things that have no purpose in your life. “YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD, and IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.”

Most important, keep an open mind to the fact you can RUN THROUGH. The Book of James assures us that trials and tribulations will always present themselves to us. When they do, promise yourself that you will RUN THROUGH them and get through to the other side.  “YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD, and IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.”

My prayer for today:

“Lord, my life is in your control. You have placed the ball in my hands and told me to run with it. No one ever scores without the ball. You have told me “It’s your thing do what you want to do. “I AM NOT TOO OLD and IT’S NOT TOO LATE.”

Carl is Owner/Coach of “Fit Four Recovery” addressing the fitness component at various Recovery Centers valley wide, where his passion for coaching has evolved from the playing field to the field of life. “I love the energy and the excitement in helping a person who has lost all hope to find a new life in sobriety.” Carl is an intricate part of the men and women whose lives are mired in the pains of addiction, encompassing all levels and ages.


Carl Hargrave

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