Categories: Publishers Corner

John Bradshaw

It is only appropriate to dedicate the front page this month to the memory of John Bradshaw.

In 2012, the Art of Recovery Expo was honored to have his presence at our annual event. After reading many of his books, I was thrilled to meet him. He was a gentle man, with a magical sparkle in eyes and a wonderful sense of humor.

 From Healing the Shame that Binds Us, he wrote, “I used to drink, to solve the problems caused by drinking. The more I drank to relieve my shame-based loneliness and hurt, the more I felt ashamed.”
What addict/alcoholic can’t relate to that statement? It was a big reason for my addiction.

At the 2012 Art of Recovery Expo

Bless you John — for all the hope you gave countless people and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.


“Recovery begins with embracing 
our pain and taking the risk 
to share it with others.”
–John Bradshaw

Together AZ

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