Categories: Sobriety

A New Year & A First Step

From your first breath as a newborn, to your first step as a toddler, to your first teacher in kindergarten, to your big step to that diploma, to your first position in your career, to that first kiss, perhaps that first child, to the first grey hair…in every minute of life we are at the beginning of a new first. Even when we step across the divide from this life to the next, it’s a new first step.

As the New Year begins

It’s important to remember the truth about beginnings. Nothing you have done, or not done, in the past can keep you from your joy and purpose unless you believe it can. Spiritual masters know that every event is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. It just is — until we assign a value to it and allow it to control us. Every event and circumstance in our life is simply a teachable moment. Each event is an “Ah so, what shall I do with this experience I have created?” Every event and every year we have a chance to fill our hearts and minds with what is truly important.
When I leave this place, I will take with me every cherished friendship, every stunning moment of blinding awareness and every intimate instant of connected love. I will take the truths that have reached in and tugged at my soul. I will take the laughter that fills the air when my children and grandchildren are near. I will take the essence of those whose presence was genuine, authentic and unconcerned with stock portfolios; “A” lists and trust funds. I will take with me every profound truth offered from the lips of the teachers who blessed my life. I will take the warmth of my Gracie, the precious toy poodle who curls up next to the small of my back to snore softly.
When we are young, we can miss the truth that “Oh Holy Night” could be tonight, tomorrow night or any night. It is in the eyes of your beloved, in the sound of your child’s laughter, in every act of compassion, in every leap of faith, in every finished mission, in every fulfilled purpose, in every second of sobriety, in every grace filled moment and in every act of love.
It’s in every new beginning including this one.
If you listen very carefully, you will hear the mantra, “Let’s go deeper,” in the silence between your words. It is the invitation life is forever offering us to dive deeper than the surface. It’s that opportunity to ask the poignant, uncommon question that takes us a bit closer to our true self. It’s an opportunity to speak the truth, ask for what we need, or stand in our integrity.    
“Let’s go deeper,” is the chant of the courageous, the mantra of those who are awake and growing toward enlightenment. It’s the motivation and meaning for our soul journey and each year at this time we get to take the next first step toward the real reason why we came here.

This is a time for gratitude

It’s a time for noticing all those little things that often pass by unnoticed, and yet, are the most important of all. If you stop for a moment, really stop, you will see the light in the world beyond the darkness. You’ll see the hope beyond despair. You’ll see that in this time of great change that you have chosen, are chosen to create more light and greater understanding.
Take a moment to write down all the limiting beliefs you have collected in 2013, all the doubts and fears and all the smallness that tethers you to the past. Take it out side or to your fireplace and burn it. Then write a list of your blessings and a description of what you will create in 2014. Be careful not to limit yourself or drag those old limiting beliefs into this new creation. Then sit a moment with you new list between your palms and infuse it with the energy of hope and the reality that you live exactly what you believe in every moment of your life. Choose to believe in all that is good and in your ability to create it. When we are stuck in the mire of the past it is always because that is what we have been feeding with our energy of doubt and fear.
Take a moment to write down all the limiting beliefs you have collected in 2013, all the doubts and fears and all the smallness that tethers you to the past. Take it out side or to your fireplace and burn it.

This is a new beginning.

The two most powerful times in your year are the date and time of your birth and the beginning of the New Year. We wish you every blessing and encourage you to believe in yourself and give energy only to that which you desire and deserve. You deserve it all, go for it.
Dr. Evan is a life/soul coach in Arizona working with individuals, couples and corporations. For more information 602-997-1200, email or visit
Together AZ

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