
Maintaining Your Emotional Immunity During Covid-19

How to Create a Sense of Calm in Uncertain Times Uncertainty is one of our most difficult feelings to manage.…

4 years ago

Coronavirus and the Opportunity for Growth

By Coach Cary Bayer "The farther you go, the less you know. Thus the sage knows without traveling.”—Lao Tzu, Tao…

4 years ago

Showing Up or Shoving Off

During the stay at home request, Dr. Dina is offering Free 15 Minute Sessions. Call to Schedule Now! Do you…

4 years ago

Coronavirus Cannot be Cured by Drinking Bleach or Snorting Cocaine, Despite Social Media Rumors

Coronavirus Cannot be Cured by Drinking Bleach or Snorting Cocaine, Despite Social Media Rumors If you ingest cocaine, you’re going…

4 years ago

Increase in Hand Sanitizer Addiction as Coronavirus Threatens America

Please Don’t Drink the Hand Sanitizer! It’s mind blowing to think of someone deliberately drinking hand sanitizer to get an…

4 years ago

The Grip of Gambling Addiction

“It's like crack, only gambling was worse for me, because it's mental," said a 37 year-old professional woman from New…

4 years ago

A look at addiction in Arizona

We know how beautiful this state is, with beautiful, lavish landscapes and perfect weather (for the most part). You can…

4 years ago

Whenever You’re Ready…

I met a fellow who had been diagnosed with a rare debilitating disease. For seven years Stan consulted with over…

4 years ago

The Psychology of Addiction: What It Takes to Kick a Habit

Society likes to think of addiction as a personal defect. If you can't quit drinking, smoking, or using, then the…

4 years ago

Drug Dogs In AZ Sniff out Contraband, Drugs and Drug Abusers

Amy Halm loves to play with her dogs and have some fun, until it's time to go to work. Halm…

4 years ago