Categories: Sobriety

October National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Bringing Awareness to Domestic Violence Month

The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) is committed to supporting services for victims and families that have experienced domestic and/or sexual violence. Through a trauma-informed lens, we develop and implement numerous grant funding opportunities, training, outreach, and prevention efforts that strengthen our communities and connect Arizonans to critical resources.


Domestic violence does not discriminate 

It is an issue affecting Arizonans in all communities, regardless of age, race, gender, economic status, religion, nationality, or educational background. In fact, twenty-four people in the United States are victims of intimate partner violence every minute. Together, we can enhance education, prevention and intervention efforts around domestic violence and support organizations and individuals who provide advocacy efforts, services, and assistance to victims. Everyone deserves to be safe at home. 


Lighting AZ Purple

This October, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we will continue to prioritize the safety and security of all Arizonans and bring awareness to this important issue. This year marks the sixth annual Lighting Arizona Purple campaign. The campaign provides an opportunity to support victims, connect families and communities with essential resources, and encourage Arizonans to end domestic violence in Arizona. 

Join us in raising awareness about domestic violence by lighting your homes, businesses and places of worship purple this October. You can find  #LightingAZPurple resources at



National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) | TTY 1-800-787-3224

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Arizona Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence: 1-800-782-6400

Anti-Violence Program: 1-855-AVP-LGBT (1-855-287-5428) 1-866-331-9474



Together AZ

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