Using this time for self-care and growth in our recovery

By Barbara Nicholson-Brown

We all are aware by now of the crisis our country and countries around the world are facing with the many unknowns of COVID-19. Being aware of our surroundings and using common sense will help in keeping ourselves and others safe.

More than ever we need to follow the basics of using hand sanitizer, washing our hands, covering our coughs and staying home if we feel sick or uneasy. But this virus is not an excuse to become complacent on our recovery journey.

Meetings and support groups.  Be sure to wash your hands before and after each session or meeting, and don’t hug or shake hands for the time being, consider bowing to one another for now, or acknowledging one another with praying hands from a safe distance.

Stay connected with others in recovery, especially your sponsor or therapist. If you can’t meet face to face, use the phone, text or facetime. It is important and vital to stay accountable and in contact with others in recovery. Isolation is a dangerous neighborhood for any addict or alcoholic. 

Get creative. There are many things to do that involve self-care. Maybe it’s time to dust off that journal and put your feelings down about whatever is going on with you.  Catch up on reading your books on mediation and recovery. Breathe, relax and get some type of exercise

Putting off your 4th Step? Now would be a great time to sit with pen and paper and get the task done, write a little bit each day, don’t overwhelm yourself, but set a goal for when you want it finished and ready to share with someone you trust.

Panic and fear helps no one. Follow the guidelines given by our public health authorities, and let’s all use our common sense to keep ourselves and our recover community safe.

Love, Barb