Categories: Sobriety

Coronavirus (COVID-19), Everything you Need to Know

If you’re worried about the Coronavirus (aka COVID-19) or aren’t sure how to prepare for a possible pandemic, this article will help you. Our goal is to be a safe and welcoming informative site to address real concerns with practical answers, as well as advice from experts. It’s important to keep in mind that one of the best ways to prepare is to take good care of yourself both physically and spiritually. When you’re staying healthy, getting enough sleep, and connecting with the people you love, you’re maintaining a healthy immune system. You’re also able to make high-quality and smart decisions.  Please understand that you are empowered to take steps to protect yourself and the people you love. You are not helpless. It’s good to take the right precautions, and know that the global health community is also working hard on solutions. In the drug rehab community its very important to follow these suggestions because of the decreased immune systems of the newly sober!

Read More Here: @Coronavirus

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